Versatile developer, author, instructor and retired gamer

Welcome to my programming blog!

We all use websites, apps, games, and many kinds of tech. The whole idea of developing some of that technological content sounds great, doesn’t it? Yet developing even the simplest website can be daunting, especially if you’re just getting started.

Fret not, for not all is lost. Back in the day, learning to code meant deciphering manuals and other people’s code. That’s like trying to understand a foreign language with a dictionary and a handful of books. Let me give you a hint: it ain’t pretty.

Nowadays, you’re just a click away from tons of free and low-cost resources. You just need an average laptop and an internet connection.

Yes, you may use your desktop PC too, but you won’t be able to code on the couch while watching TV. Being a developer means coding while watching TV and eating bags upon bags of Cheetos. No wait; that’s just my childhood dream.

Enough said. Let’s start coding!

What I Do


I update, maintain and overhaul old websites, design and program maintainable server-side code, and help companies build a solid, secure online presence. I'm an old-school coder through and through, and security is my top priority.


Real life... in a game (sort of). My nifty simulations contain lots of numbers. And by that I mean hundreds of different parameters that can bring joy to any data addict.

Mobile Games (and Apps, too)

This is the answer to your prayers. It gives you the power of multitasking. Ever wanted to continue crushing your enemy's castle, but felt a pressing urge to go to the toilet? That's what mobile games were made for.


Front-end, back-end, Node JS, JavaScript, LAMP, databases. And it's not just those. I've dabbled in more programming languages than I can list.

Random Coding Magic

Automation's the name! No, really. I've automated the calculation and design of all kinds of wacky stuff, ranging from complex mechanical structures to big data algorithms. It's not about programming, but about finding efficient solutions to real-world problems.